Friday, January 28, 2011

{shades of gray}

This life is pretty black and white.  There’s right, there’s wrong…but what about when we get into shades of gray?  What about the difference between a good choice and a better one?  It gets a little more sticky then.  We make mistakes, but there is no such thing as a mistake that isn’t rectifiable.  This world has been spinning for several thousand years now, with people making more than their share of mistakes everyday.  How could our blunders and failures be worse than the rest?  The fact is—they aren’t.  And we can be satisfied with that.  We can trust that in the hands of our Maker, our mistakes…aren’t.  They are opportunities to guide us into our destinies.

I went to the park today (Westlands, to be exact)… It was so beautiful!  It inspired me to take some pictures…in black and white.


In the Making.... said...

Beautiful pictures!! I wish I had time to go to the park today, I would have LOVED IT!!

Unknown said...

Wow those pictures are GORGEOUS!

I'm Sydney. said...

Oh I love the pictures, they are so pretty!! And I love how you write. It's so... incredible. There's really nothing else to describe the way you write. I mean, it's totally inspired by God! Love it!