Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Life at a Time.

I don’t know about you…but I want to change the world.

One moment, one life at a time.

I want to run with endurance the race set before me, looking to my King with every step.

I want to throw my heart over the edge and jump in after it, no matter what might lay at the bottom.

I want to do the right thing and make as few mistakes as possible.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.  I look behind me and see who I was before, only to find that now I’m so much closer to God than I’ve ever been.  Yet I look up and see the person God’s challenging me, daring me to become…and wonder how I’ll ever get there.
And I get so, so, so excited every time I think about the journey.
Just think about the people I’ll meet, the places I’ll go, the lives I’ll see changed!  I really can hardly contain my excitement.
Who knows how long it’ll take?  Who cares?  This life is an amazing journey and I want to embrace every second of it.
I know there will be rough places on the path.  I know the climb will get steep and hard.  I know there will be more than one time that I’ll want to give up.
But giving up is not an option.
He didn’t give up on me.
How could I give up on Him?
I can’t care about the potential failures I might go through.  Failure is simply God’s way of pulling us closer to Him.  He is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who have a contrite spirit.  It’s when we’re broken, with no agenda, scattered before His feet, that we see His heart.  It’s when we have nothing left within ourselves that He can step in with His grace and be enough.
I want Him to be enough.  I don’t want to want anything else but Him.  I want to place my heart in His hands, close my eyes, and leave it there.  I never want to see it again unless He lets me.  For I am His.
When will I be able to trust Him at such a level?
How about now.
He’s the one who created my heart in the first place.  He’s the one who knows how my life is supposed to go.  If He can create me, surely He can complete me.
So I think I’ll trust Him.  Starting today, I’ll stop analyzing my life and just…breathe.  I’ll take a step when He says go and take a break when He says stop.
And in the process, maybe I’ll change the world.

P.S. It's Wednesday.  And I didn't add anything to my bucket list!  This could be a tradgedy......but not to worry!  Here are my additions for this week:

30. Make Christmas cookies in July.
31. Deliver a litter of puppies.......uhh or help a dog deliver them..........
32. Rock a hat that I actually like.
33. Go on a missions trip.

Okay I think that's about all for today!!! Hasta lavista mis amigos!


a girl with a smile said...

thank you for the beauty of your encouraging words.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what god does with you!