Wednesday, January 19, 2011

He set our hearts.

Hey!  Long time no write!  Seriously, in the past week, I have started five blogs…… five!!!  Annnd, I got even more inspirations for blogs just randomly throughout the day.  But for whatever reason, I just couldn’t manage to finish any of them.  So I think I’ll just conglomerate them all into this blog and maybe all their loose ends will tie together and somehow make sense.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately.  No, I mean like a lot.  I’ll find myself spacing out for a looong time, just THINKING.  Granted, thinking’s good.  It’s so good, in fact, that if we didn’t think, nothing productive would ever be accomplished at all.  But there’s a time when you have to stop thinking and just do it.  In the words of my dear dad:  “When you have to say something, it’d feel better to put it off, but it’s rarely good to procrastinate.”

I just finished reading Hebrews yesterday.  I loved it so much that I (a.) intend to go through and study it even more in-depth and (b.) discovered in the process how satisfying it is to highlight and underline everything in bright, lovely colors.  Really, if you’ve never tried it, you should start.  Get a couple colors of pens and five or six highlighters and mark away!  (Know where I got the inspiration?!  None other than my dear, Sydney.)

I have another dear that I get inspiration from all the time… I am positive you will too!  Click on the frog to check out her blog.  FROG.  (Oh goodness, I must be tired.)

Have you ever heard “All the Things You Are”?  It’s an old love song, but I just love singing it to God.  Especially the last line. “Someday my happy arms will hold you…someday I’ll know that moment divine…when all the things you are, are mine.”  I find myself wanting Him more and more everyday.  Not just some of Him, but ALL the things He is.

Today I feel like He kept telling me over and over again, “You can do this.  Stop telling yourself you can’t…you’ve got what it takes because I gave you what it takes.”  See, I’ve been feeling kind of inadequate lately to do everything I’m supposed to.  But He’s determined to make me believe He’s got plenty of strength to help me through it, and I’m determined to believe Him.  Oh, I could go on and on and on about this topic!  His grace, power, love, joy…everything He is is SO much more than enough for all we need!  It’s not just a nice concept.  It is truth.

Did you hear about that guy named Ted Williams?!  This guy’s incredible!  He used to be a radio announcer but ended up being homeless for ten years.  But his VOICE!  I could hardly believe it was his voice when it came out of his mouth because it’s so rich and perfectly radio-y!  You really have to look him up.

You know what’s crazy?  Well, a lot of things.  But this morning I woke up, rolled over to turn off my alarm, and this phrase popped into my head.  I have no clue why, except that God’s just cool like that.  “He slackens the thirst of the broken warrior…”  Doesn’t that sound poetic?  But it’s true; He really does.  He is moved by our brokenness.  When we come to His feet, holding nothing and wanting nothing other than Him, He fills us up.  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matthew 5:6 NIV, emphasis mine.)
If you’re still reading, thank you for bearing with me!  I apologize that it’s kind of all over the place…

One more thing.  “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end….Everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.” (Ecclesiastes , 14 NIV)

P.S.  I only thought of one bucket list addition this week…

38.  Ride a roller coaster.

Isn’t that original?  Well, I love you all! J


In the Making.... said...
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In the Making.... said...


Love the cute lil pic at the end. I heard about the Radio voice guy and how he got so many job offers!! He even was able to reunite with his mom and she was in tears that he was finally getting his life together. She said, "I hope this time it sticks and he realizes that God just gave him a second chance to get his life together!" Such a sweey lady!


Unknown said...

I'm a frog. haha! I loved this post and the picture at the end! I loved watching the story about ted! He is so gifted and he knows God as his savior, it just goes to show when we wait on God all will be added unto us. He has more than enough now!
I will ride a rollar coaster with yoU!!! =D they're funnN!

zizi bloom said...

your blog is so cute!
take a look at mine too and we can follow each other if you want!