Friday, January 21, 2011

Call me a dreamer!

Folks, I'm gonna get me a baby blue convertible slug bug one of these days.
You know what??  It's okay to dream.  It's okay to let your imagination go places no one's ever been before.  So why don't we?
     It's called FEAR.  I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely sick of fear.  I'm sick of seeing people waste thier lives away just because they were afraid of the BAD that might happen instead of expecting the GOOD that might happen.
     So I'm determined that from now on, NO MORE FEAR.  Will you join me?  Let's dream like crazy!  Let's catch some stars, build insanely huge mansions, row some boats, pursue our passions, and forget that fear exists.


Unknown said...

fear drives me in sane! I'm sick of it too! And when I asked God to take away all fear in me, he did! He is so awesome! It really is okay to dream!

I'm Sydney. said...

I am sick and tired of fear too!! So I propose that you get that slug bug of yours {take me for a spin, please ;)} and keep on dreaming!! HUGE!!!
I myself am going to live in a giant country house with all the fixings. Secret passageways, BEAUTIFUL. Okay?? And I'm gonna marry my Mr. Darcy {that's the only way I would ever get married!}

Elizabeth said...

No more fear, I'm sick of it as well. It's time to kick fear in the face and say NO MORE. Lets run and be bold :) ah I just love you my friend.

Unknown said...

I awarded you! Check out my last post!