Thursday, January 6, 2011

Drinking in the Sunshine

Why is it so amazingly gorgeous outside today??   The mountains have just enough snow on them, the clouds have just enough wisp to them, and I think the air has been sweetly affected by the melty snow running around everywhere.
I kind of wish I hadn’t been the driver as we were putzing around town earlier.  There was a certain spot we passed where the whole mountain range was spread out, with the city below and the very blue sky above…and of course I couldn’t look, because I wouldn’t be looking anyway if I’d hit something…
So I drank in as much of the beauty as I could (while trying to stay in my lane) and silently prayed the beauty would somehow be stained on my heart.
It doesn’t take too much of God’s flawless artistry to make me the happiest girl alive.  Clouds are my weakness…I’ll stand there as long as I possibly can, oooing and ahhing over how cool they are, almost as bad as the double rainbow guy.  Oh, and if you get me up in the mountains on a warm night to watch a sunset, you’ll witness me gawking to no end.  Well, until the sun set.  But then there would be the stars to see, which are so much clearer in the mountains…so then there’d be even more gawking and awe involved.
I think God really enjoys making my heart skip at the wonder of His nature.  When I walk outside in the morning and the sunshine splashes my face, I could stand there and let it splash me for hours.  When I run through a soft, grassy field with my bare feet, I don’t ever want to leave His tangible embrace.  I could go on and on about how much I love His beauty, and He could go on and on about how much He loves ME.
I don’t always get that.
How could this…indescribable Creator love me so deeply?  It’s not a surfaced love, either.  Not that I always feel it, because honestly, I don’t.  There are days I’ll wish for and wait to feel that spark of knowing that He loves me.  And on some days, it doesn’t come.  Maybe I just haven’t waited long enough, or maybe that’s just part of the mystery of God.
Who can know the mind of the Lord?  His ways are so much higher than ours, so much deeper, so much more perfect.  And I’m okay with that.  If I knew why He loved me so much, there wouldn’t be any reason to chase after Him to the end of the world.
And that’s exactly what I want to do.
I’ve decided to look at life from a different perspective from now on.  He said to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and He’d take care of everything else.  Everything.  I think I’m finally starting to realize that any hard work I do outside of seeking Him first is pointless.  So…I’m going to change that, and make sure everything I do is in accordance with His will.  But that’s for another blog. J


Sonia Ama said...

Reminds me of Chris Tomlin's "Indescribable":
"Awestruck we fall to our knees and we humbly proclaim, You are amazing God" :)

LPT said...

Hey. You write. Please. Do it. Do us a favor.
And "drinking in the sunshine" makes me want some Sunny D. Sadly, I don't have any.