Friday, December 23, 2011

if a picture paints a thousand words

The Lord gave me a picture during worship once, a picture that He reminded me of tonight.

The sky is a rich, warm blue.  The grass is soft and brilliantly green, thickly carpeting an Irish moor of some sort.  The sun warms the air and shines on the water in the distance.  It's just me and Him.

There's no anxiety, no fear.  Nobody to worry about, nothing to think of but Him.  His love for me fills the air for miles of rolling hills and all I can do is let it soak me.

I wish I could draw it, or paint it, or capture it with my little point-and-shoot.  If I could, I'd show it to you.  If I could, I'd blow it up and hang it on my wall.  If I could, I'd stare at it for hours, jump into it, relive it over and over.

But for now, the image burned into my heart will have to suffice.  For now, the prayers I've whispered to Him, screamed to Him, will have to be the rope that ties my dreams to His.  For now, this earthly version of love will have to assure me that I was made for something more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda glad you can't capture that vision. Then, it can just remain intimate: between you and Him.