Thursday, December 1, 2011

he knew i needed the snow

It's the first day of December...a perfect day for a snow day, don't you think?

This morning, I woke up to a phone call that said I could stay home from work.  I, of course, went straight back to bed for a few more precious snoozes before exposing my very warm self to the cold of non-covers air. (my electric blanket and I are very attatched.)

I finally pulled myself out of bed and pushed back my curtains to look at the white wonderland my neighborhood had turned into.  Snow was blowing horizontally off of my neighbor's roof and the snowflakes in front of my window were falling all crisscross and happy.  Brother was playing jars of clay's christmas album while he bundled up for school and as I stood staring into God's beautiful artwork, He and I had a magical little moment.

See, last night I went to bed terribly frustrated.  Some of the things on my mind that should have been happy thoughts were just turning into a source of discontent and I could feel myself pulling away from God's loving direction because all of it was just too complicated for me.  I had become so focused on everything I wanted in my future that I was becoming almost bitter that I couldn't have it now.  I was trying to figure out a path to walk down, wondering if this was right or that was wrong...and I was just a mess.  I knew that it would all get better if I could just surrender completely to His will instead of my own, but that might mean saying no when I so much wanted to say yes.

But in those few precious moments with Him at that cold, frosty window, everything changed.  Suddenly my plans seemed so dim and fruitless compared to His path.  I knew that if He said no now, then He'll say yes later and it will take me by sweet surprise.  It will be perfect.  It will be the right time.

And I was content.  More than content.

"Don't fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray.  Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.  It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.... Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."

Philippians 4:6-7, 13 MSG


Anonymous said...

This is such a beautifully written post with such a lovely message. Whatever is currently weighing on your heart, will be given to you in time ... when the moment is completely perfect :)

I hope you are having a fabulous week. Enjoy the snow ;)

Anonymous said...

Contentment is the secret to joy :)

Miss Melissa said...

I always enjoy your posts. I love hearing stories about the weather from another side of the world! I don't get snow where I live. I would love to admire the beautiful gift of God's art if I were to see mountains among mountains filled with snow. It's like a blanket full of God's protection. What a great way to start the month of December. :) Happy 25 days 'til Christmas!

- Missa (hellomissa)

Sonia Ama said...

Isn't it just incredible when God speaks? And I really like this translation from the message. It couldn't be more perfect.

I'm Sydney. said...
