Friday, June 22, 2012

if you don't have anything good to say

Let's be clear about something: I have a fake tan.

Well, partially.  I've been trying to lessen the effects of my farmer's tan by using that foaming tan stuff they have in every aisle at Wal-Mart.

While it's been working rather nicely, I mistakenly left a glob of it on my ankle the other day...resulting in a shameful little patch of brown that will henceforth reside beneath these sandals.

What I'm really trying to say is that I don't have anything to say.  God's working, I'm changing, and all is well even when it's not.

Happy Summer.

"...narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matthew 7:14 NKJV)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

weekend pictures...midweek

Okay, so I realize that you've probably all seen these on instagram already, but posting them two or three times can't hurt one bit.

1. Friends.  I love you, Morgles.
2. Mom and her baby.  We went to see Madagascar 3...and I'm telling you, it is worth every kernel of popcorn.
3. I want to always be in love with my husband.
4. My babysit-ee gave me a concert...what a sweetie!
5. Flowers + sun = what I mostly take pictures of.
6. Refer to 5.
7. Brother and I went for a walk that included a lot of laughing, possibly illegal playing-on-elementary-school-playgrounds, and pondering the meaning of the name 'hopscotch'.
8. And speaking of sweeties (4.), look at this one!  Woooeee she's a cutie!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

just breathe

via pinterest
Earlier today, I was walking my dog to the park.  The wind was warm and there weren't too many people out.  I had just crossed the street and was trying to make my dog go left instead of right, when a car pulled up beside me.  Curious, I turned around to see a girl of about 8 or 9 years hop out, her smiling eyes on Zoe.  She wore a thin little blue dress that barely covered her orange swimsuit, and her choppy hair was blonde and tangled.

'May I pet your dog?' she breathed, eyes still fixed on my 5 lb canine.

'Of course,' I replied, amused at her fascination.  As soon as Zoe noticed her, it was all tongue and tail and please-please-please-rub-my-belly from there.  Sure, listen to the stranger, ignore the owner.

Meanwhile, her mom rolled down the window and thanked me for stopping.

'She saw your dog and just had to pet it,' which was, of course, followed by the usual 'how old is she,' 'she's four,' 'wow, full-grown and so tiny' conversation.

It didn't seem like Little Miss Sunscreen was interested in leaving anytime soon, so I let her continue to awkwardly lift the dog and tenderly kiss her fuzzy head.

She was so happy.

There was nothing in the world right then that could have possibly made her happier.

I think I saw scars on her arms.  Her teeth had gaps.  Her hair was shorter than most girls prefer it.  Who knows what that precious young soul had seen in her few years?

Yet, none of that mattered, because that was then and this is now.

As we said our goodbyes, part of me wished I had stayed longer.  But I think God set me up with that sweet little girl to remind me...just breathe.

Monday, June 4, 2012


I have to say that summer just gets my blood pumping.  The thought of sun and ice cream and sweet, warm night air just makes me smile a little without even trying.

Recently, my family and I had the chance to get away for the weekend.  We stayed in a little cabin tucked into the hills of New Mexico, surrounded by a brilliantly clear sky and hundreds of aspens.  There were s'mores (lots), coffee (lots and lots), wind (too much), and Apples-to-Apples-playing late into the night.  In the morning, the sunlight filtered so perfectly through the trees, it seemed like a fairy forest.

It was just what we needed...a little r&r.

But all that time away got me thinking.

This is just so wonderful, so perfect.  What if something bad happens tomorrow?  What if this is my last day on earth with these precious humans I call my own?  What if, what if, what if. Oh, how it sours the moments of happiness.

But, no.  I found that it was no use.

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Matthew 6:34 (MSG)

So bring it on, summer.  This is going to be a great summer.  And even with what good things you bring, God will always bring something better.