Monday, December 26, 2011

come like a flood and saturate me're all i want

"...Come like the wind and sweep throughout this place...You're all we want."
This song is quite literally the cry of my heart right now.

Do have a listen.  And sing along.  Let His beauty overwhelm you.

On another note,
how was your Christmas?

Mine consisted of 

lots of American Eagle and Starbucks all around.

See all those furry hats?  Well.  One of them is brother's, the other two are mine.

Apparently they didn't get the "I-already-got-Jesseca-a-hat"  memo.  But that is most just means I can go pick out a sweater or something.

After all the fun and food and Monsters-Inc-watching was over and everyone else had gone to bed,
I sat by the tree for a long time to think and pray.  Mostly pray.

It's kind of a tradition God and I have.

I told Him I wanted to live a life like David's.  He told me He wrote this verse for me.

"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; 
my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer."
(Psalm 45:1 NIV)

It was so perfect!  It made sense!  It put my feelings into words.

Yes, what a wonderful Christmas indeed.

1 comment:

I'm Sydney. said...

Beautiful!!! LOVE that verse! Indeed written for you :)