Friday, June 3, 2011

I wish summer days were still spent like this.

Don't you?

This week I:
  • Enjoyed ice cream three times.  On different days, of course.  It's summer, baby!
  • Officially got two jobs.
  • Shopped more times than I care to remember.
  • Sent my diamond in to get reset!  It'll be a solitaire set in a simple band I already had.  I can't wait for it to be done!
  • Saw Morgan every day except Thursday {and had lunch with her twice}.
  • Went to a hoppin' estate sale down the street.  It was weird poking around in somebody else's house...with everything for was old and smelled of cigarette smoke...I *ahem* didn't buy anything...
  • Started an email address for my future husband, so I can send him videos and music and whatever.  I already have a journal for him, but this is stepping it up a notch!  I was inspired by this commercial for Google Chrome:

I hope you've had a great week {so far} too!

1 comment:

LPT said...

Is it really lame of me that the google chrome video made me cry?