Saturday, June 25, 2011

"How do you hide a park like this?"

Last night, Sydney and I had an adventure.  After a dinner of quizno's and ice cream, we stumbled upon this gorgeous little park nearby that is nestled deep within a neighborhood.  Seriously, I bet you thousands of people pass by there everyday and no one even knows it's there.

What matters is that we know now.

After some outfit pictures in the sun, we walked down the path, jumped over the stream, and sat on the riverbank for a long time, just talking.  I.  Love.  That.  Girl.  Oh, and isn't she just gorgeous?!

If you haven't noticed by now, I'm slightly obsessed with pictures that have the sun directly in them.  Oh well, maybe it's just a phase.


a girl with a smile said...

i love that transparent leaf pic.

hooray for adventures!

Sonia Ama said...

Aw I love all of these! Especially the one where the sun creeps from under Sydney's cheek. So pretty! Glad you guys had fun!!

I'm Sydney. said...

I agree with a girl with a smile, trasparent leaf picture, yes please! Lovely!! Jesseca, you're pretty amazing. And pretty beautiful.