Monday, May 23, 2011

I have some pictures for you and a favor to ask.*



{What's with the cowboy hats, you ask?  We had a True Grit event at youth group.}

{Long live cowboys/girls.  Cowpeople?}

{Mechanical bull-riding!  Be jealous.}

That was my weekend.  How was yours?

I must say that I have had a hard time deciding what I should post lately.  There's so much I want to say and I'm not really sure how much of it you want to hear!  But I'm going to start posting a lot more pictures now so that should spice up things a bit.
The way Cody jumped off the stage at our graduation this weekend.

*Now, about that favor!  If you are reading this, leave me a little love note, will you?
Even if you feel weird about it, DO IT.
I'd love to take a peek at your life/blog, and also see how many people follow mine!

P.S. There is reason to rejoice:
1. I got a job!  Ahh!  Yay!
2. I graduated.  GRAD. YOU. ATE. TED.  {Ahaha... "Grad, you ate Ted!"  Sorry, laaame joke.}
3. The weather is getting summery-er every day. {I'm really looking forward to the BBQ's.}
and 4. There's a picture of a mechanical bull up there.


Sonia Ama said...

Ooh I really like the first picture! And where'd you get a job at?!

LPT said...

Congrats on the job! Morgan told me about it yesterday and I was OVERJOYED! WEE! I never know what to write any more, either.

I'm Sydney. said...

Can you just write? Whatever you feel. Because I love it so, SO much. So much. So write away. Please. And post pictures. Because I adore those too. I just love you.