Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We gotta do better than this, 'cause I've only got one life to make a difference.

I am only human. In comparison to my Creator, I am nothing. Yet, He has given me the ability to care, to love, to hope. So why shouldn't I?

I've been feeling restless lately. I'm the horse that fidgets and stomps because he knows a storm is coming. I'm the baby eagle waiting for the perfect opportunity to jump out of the nest and feel the sun on her wings. I'm the runner who presses his knuckles into the turf, anticipating the sound of the gun shot.
     There's so much I want to do. So many people I want to help, so many lives I want to touch. Where to start? How to do it? What to aim for? There's so many questions, so many longings, and yet...I feel like I'm stuck in a pretty little cage......just.........waiting.
     Waiting for what, I'm not quite sure. Maybe I'm waiting for a door to walk through? A hand to hold? A road map to follow? The sun to rise? I don't know. All I know is that there is something that needs to click before I can get to sprinting through this race I want so much to win.

I am human. Therefore, I am made in the image of One so much greater than me. I wish to be the pen He needs to write someone's story, the wood He needs to light a fire, the water He needs to give life to a seed.

I have to reach beyond my own little world, because I only have this one life to make a difference.


Sonia Ama said...

I wish I could just facebook *like* this post! Ahh Jess you are so beautiful in every way!!

Elizabeth said...

ah, Jess your posts are always so beautiful and sooooo incredible inspiring! God has given you such a mighty anointing to touch others. I am always literlly in awe of your posts. Never change girl.