Monday, March 28, 2011


I want it to rain.

I want to feel the stillness in the world that says, "Something's about to happen."

I want to breathe in the cool, humid air that carries with it the fragrance of earth and sky.

I want the first drop to fall in my hair, whispering of the storm that threatens to follow.

I want to hear the wind racing the clouds, seeing which can touch the ground first.

I want my heart to race in time with the ceaselessly accelerating raindrops. 

I want to run through the solid sheet of falling water, hitting my closed eyes and open mouth so hard, it hurts.

I want to stand in the gutter and let the cold, fresh water flood my feet and wonder what little treasures it had collected on its journey before it got to me.

I want to listen to the storm pass, watch the dark sky lighten, behold the sun break through the trees that haven't stopped raining yet.

I really want it to rain.

P.S. I've decided that I'll just keep changing up my blog until I find a background and template that I really like.  So.  It might change without warning.
YOU have a fantastic week, my friends!  God is faithful.

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