Saturday, February 26, 2011

This title is going to be completely unrelated to the content of this post.

It’s been WAY TOO LONG since I posted last!!  Geez Louise!  I hope you all have been enjoying your life as much as I’ve been enjoying mine.
Since I’m kinda REALLY behind here, let’s start with some pictures Missy Morgan and I took a little while back.  I love her.  And these pics are pretty cute, no?

I wanted to edit these but the computer I’m using isn’t letting me do that so…sorry they are kind of dark! (Silly, silly technology.)
What have you been thinking about the most lately?  I’ve been thinking about the future.  My future, to be exact.  I feel like so much has been changing…but it is good change.  The kind that makes you step back and say “Wow, God.  You really do care.”
Last week, the conference at church inspired me so much...God touched so many lives in ways I can't even describe.  He truly is holy, and worthy of all we are.
This past week I had the privilege of spending time with dozens of young people who aren’t satisfied with the norm.  In the process, I learned more about government than I’ve probably learned in my whole life.
As a result, I’m starting to get this inkling that my prospective major is about to change.  My passions are becoming clearer and clearer to me and I’m getting so much more excited about the future God has for me.  The world is my oyster!
Next week, the Lovely Leah and I (and Mom, of course) are going to ORU.  (That’s Oral Roberts University, dawg.)  Needless to say…...I’M SO STOKED ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!  On the agenda: scholarship competition/interview, worship arts audition, campus tours, a couple nights in the dorms, cafeteria samplings…the list goes on and on.
Guess what: In July, my youth group is going to L.A.!  I’ve never been to California, and I am beside myself to be finally going!  We’ll be ministering at the Dream Center, an outreach for individuals who need help and hope.
So…that’s pretty much my life in a nutshell right now.  But I don’t want this blog to be all about me.
There are individuals in my life who will probably never know the impact they have made on my life, personality, and vision.  Oh, and fashion sense.  The other day, I met this young lady who was wearing the cutest outfit!  I don’t think I would’ve ever thought of a combo like that.  So the next day, I wore something very similar to her lovely attire, and I felt pretty good about myself.  Thank you, dear person.  Another young lady who has shaped my fashion preferences is a gorgeous girl at church whose name I don’t even know!  But she always wears such delicate, pretty outfits that have a hint of vintage woven in.  I just love delicate, pretty, vintage things, like those adorable headbands that have sequins and feathers and flowers on the sides.  And necklaces that have dusty pink roses on them, along with lacy puffs that you can pin to your blouse.  I’m really liking the styles that are coming back around.
…I just talked a lot about fashion there.  I hope you’re not bored.
But suffice it to say that YOU’VE CHANGED MY LIFE.  And if you've changed mine, I can guarantee you've also changed others' lives too.
So.  Thank you.  In fact, we can’t thank you enough, nor could we ever.

Isn't this funny?!  It was a beach towel (obviously) that I found at Target (pronounced the proper French way, of course).  Since it was all folded up, I had to just take a picture of the tag.  Way to go, Towel.  I hope I made your dreams come true.

1 comment:

Sonia Ama said...

If I'm thinking about the same young lady at church as you are, then I most definitely agree! I always look out for her just because I love her fashion sense!!