Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A whole bunch of non-random randomness.

Hey y’all!  I figure the last few blogs I’ve written have been pretty deep…so I think I’ll write one with the intention of making you laugh!
So, first off, if you weren’t at Winter Blast, you NEED to hear this story.
Once upon a time, the bus got stuck in the snow…on the side of the road…for the THIRD year running.  Woo hoo!  Ummm…HOW, might I ask, does this happen??!  I’m sitting at the table, kinda sad that we have to leave in a few minutes, when someone informs me we’ll be waiting for another hour or so.  “Oh, the bus got stuck again.”  After we waited for a bajillion cars to stop passing, the tow truck finally pulled the bus out of the snow and approximately 23 of us survivors got on.
Then we found out that as a result of the stuck-ness it had just experienced, the bus had a flat tire.  We stopped maybe three times to try and get it fixed, but no luck.  Quote our “Vietnam veteran” driver: “It’s not smoking, so I think we’ll make it.”  How comforting.
 Okay, I know that’s not really a funny story but it was rather amusing at the time.
Ummm…hmmm…what else is new?  Oh!  It’s almost Christmas and it hasn’t blizzarded (sp??) yet!  Wonder of wonders for Colorado, right?  I just hope this doesn’t mean it’ll snow in June again…that’s just WRONG…
If you haven’t noticed, I really like ellipses.  It makes pauses in writing so much more tangible.  I have to make sure I don’t use them too much, though!  It’s nice to be on such good terms with a writing notation…
 So this morning, I was putting some peppermint mocha creamer in my coffee, and I officially realized that I’m a cream-and-sugar sort of girl.  Coffee just isn’t right without the stuff!  Then again, I have to drink decaf, which would not be considered “coffee” by certain coffee connoisseurs.  However, I don’t think anyone, coffee connoisseur or not, would like to see me wired on caffeine—it can get scary.
Well, I hope I made you laugh!  Or at least smile.  (Ask people who know me—making people happy is my goal in life.  Well, one of them.)
Sianara, my friends!  Go revel in the Christmas spirit and don’t get too freaked out about finals!  And if you haven’t started shopping yet (like me), you’ve got precisely 11 days to get ‘er done!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you Jess! You make me laugh! Remember that..... DOLL!!! Haha!!!