Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bucket Listing......Again??!

Hi everyone!  Long time, no write!

So let’s just cut to the chase.

I think what I’m going to do is update my bucket list every Wednesday from now on.  Or maybe I’ll just do it once a month…hmmm…

FIRST though, updates!!!!

How was your Christmas?  Mine was quite lovely, and even though it was literally 4 days ago, it feels like about two weeks.  How does that work??
Yesterday we had a surprise birthday party for my girl Morgan (You should follow her blog! HERE.)………which was great!  It ended in helium highs…which is always great, too…
I watched Despicable Me for the first time tonight!  It was quite funny.  About a minute and 17 seconds into it, I was wondering what in the world I was getting myself into, but it turned out to be rather adorable.
Aaannnd I made a gingerbread house today.  (I did it with Nicole; I feel that is worth mention.J) It was EPIC.  I shall attempt to post a picture…

Anyway, onto the bucket list updating!

(Sorry it’s not going to be in a cool font.)

21.       Make a cooking video!  This could either be really cool, really awkward, or really lame.  I’m gonna aim for the former.

22.       Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument, and Leaning Tower of Pisa; there’s actually lots of famous landmarks I’d like to climb to the top of.

23.       Start my own business.  (Of what variety?  Who knows!!!)

24.       Change somebody’s life.

25.       Be a voice in an animated movie!!!!!  Tell me that wouldn’t be the coolest EVER.

26.       Record an album in Music City USA.  (Nashville anybody??!)

27.       This is kind of an edit of #18…but I’d like to go scuba diving.

28.      Fulfill every single thing on this eventually-very-lengthy bucket list!  (Hmm, I’d better make sure everything’s good…)

29.       OH this one’s cool…Own a house that has zillions of secret rooms, passageways, staircases, and chutes/slides!  That’s been my (almost) dream house ever since Sean and I realized we could bounce off each others’ imaginations.

I think I should pause here, mostly because if I plan on adding to this thing once a week (or month), THIS IS GOING TO GET RAAATHER EXTENSIVE.  But that’s okay, right?  It’s okay to dream. J

 P.S.  In case you hadn’t noticed, in 3 days, it will no longer be 2010……does that not boggle your mind?  It legitimately feels like we just started this year.  Wow, it’s crazy to see how much all of us have changed, grown, and matured this year.  God, I just love you!
Oh hey, it worked!  The little guy on the right there is wearing sunglasses, I think.

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