Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Give it all, try to take some back.

If you’re like me, your own faults seem to be broadcast before you on a huge marquee, lit up in lovely flashing colors.  It seems like together they form the ever-present mountain that you know is there, but refuse to look at.  You try to run around this mountain of self-flaws, try to dig under it, try to jump over it; but the harder you try to leave your it behind, the more it seems to get in your way.
Fortunately though, God has a much more balanced view of our lives.  He knows us better than we know ourselves, and thank GOODNESS because otherwise…we wouldn’t have any hope for figuring out our lives.  But He sees every single precious gift that He crafted in us, tucked behind the faults we’re so set on emphasizing.
And speaking of gifts!
There’s a story/parable/analogy I’d like to tell you.

A man died and went to heaven.  At the gate, he met an angel who said, “Before I introduce you to God, I need to show you something.”
He proceeded to lead the man to a huge warehouse that seemed to go on forever.  Once inside, the man saw that the entire building was full of shelves, shelves that held rows and rows of presents; some rows were empty, others were scant, and still others were full of gifts.  Each box was different, and each bore a different name.  The man was confused.
“What are all these gifts for?  Who’s going to receive them?”  With a sad look in his eyes, the angel proceeded to tell the man what the warehouse was for.
“Every gift here was hand-crafted by God, each designed for a specific person.  But in order to receive all your gifts, you must take them while you are still on earth.  Otherwise, they end up here, never to be opened.”

I read this when I was little and it has stuck with me ever since.  God is offering us the best of life!  James (NIV) says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  And also, He wants you to have all these wonderful gifts; why should you feel guilty for embracing the talents and passions He’s blessed you with??
For example.
Say you spend two weeks working on some big, elaborate present for your best friend in the whole world.  Christmas comes and you are just psyched to give them your labor of love.  Grinning from ear to ear, you hand it to them; they pull it out of the box, excited…then promptly frown and say, “It’s gorgeous!  But I’m not worth it.  You should give it to someone who deserves it more.”
Wouldn’t you be crushed?!  You just took two weeks of your life, love, and TLC to make a present SPECIFICALLY for them and they just handed it back to you!
I hope my point is made.
So join me in embracing the gifts, talents and passions God has given us!  Who cares about the faults?  Trust me, you’ll always be able to find one in yourself.  So why don’t we just leave those be and enjoy (thoroughly enjoy) the blessings God wants us to have.  You might just make His day while you’re at it.

“I won’t find what I am looking for if I only see by keeping score, ‘cause I know now You are so much more than arithmetic. ‘Cause…if I add, if I subtract, if I give it all, try to take some back, I’d have forgotten the freedom that comes from the fact that you are the sum…and You are the one I want.”
                        —Brook Fraser, Arithmetic

     Oh! One last Scripture:
     “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
                        —1 Corinthians 15:56-58 (NKJV)

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