Wednesday, June 13, 2012

weekend pictures...midweek

Okay, so I realize that you've probably all seen these on instagram already, but posting them two or three times can't hurt one bit.

1. Friends.  I love you, Morgles.
2. Mom and her baby.  We went to see Madagascar 3...and I'm telling you, it is worth every kernel of popcorn.
3. I want to always be in love with my husband.
4. My babysit-ee gave me a concert...what a sweetie!
5. Flowers + sun = what I mostly take pictures of.
6. Refer to 5.
7. Brother and I went for a walk that included a lot of laughing, possibly illegal playing-on-elementary-school-playgrounds, and pondering the meaning of the name 'hopscotch'.
8. And speaking of sweeties (4.), look at this one!  Woooeee she's a cutie!

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