Monday, June 4, 2012


I have to say that summer just gets my blood pumping.  The thought of sun and ice cream and sweet, warm night air just makes me smile a little without even trying.

Recently, my family and I had the chance to get away for the weekend.  We stayed in a little cabin tucked into the hills of New Mexico, surrounded by a brilliantly clear sky and hundreds of aspens.  There were s'mores (lots), coffee (lots and lots), wind (too much), and Apples-to-Apples-playing late into the night.  In the morning, the sunlight filtered so perfectly through the trees, it seemed like a fairy forest.

It was just what we needed...a little r&r.

But all that time away got me thinking.

This is just so wonderful, so perfect.  What if something bad happens tomorrow?  What if this is my last day on earth with these precious humans I call my own?  What if, what if, what if. Oh, how it sours the moments of happiness.

But, no.  I found that it was no use.

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Matthew 6:34 (MSG)

So bring it on, summer.  This is going to be a great summer.  And even with what good things you bring, God will always bring something better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think of that everyday... each day brings its own worry, might as well enjoy what today holds!