Thursday, December 29, 2011

julie & julia

Last night I watched Julie & Julia.
(For the first time. I'm a little behind movie-wise.)

A. Love Meryl Streep.
B. Love love Amy Adams.
C. Love love love cooking.

Win win win.

For one brief moment mid-movie I thought to myself:
"Should I try it?! Cook my way through Julia Child's cookbook and blog about it?"

But then an airplane fell out of the sky and put that thought back where it came from.

You (and my bank account) should probably thank that hypothetical airplane ASAP.  And AMAP.*

Not to worry though!  One day I'll do something daring and crazy.  Just not that.

Then again, never say never.

*AMAP: an acronym standing for "as much as possible", a term made popular by Syd and Jess circa 2010.

1 comment:

I'm Sydney. said...

ha! AMAP.
That'd be cool... you'll do something sweet and creative though! Don't you worry. And it'll rock everyone's world.