Friday, September 9, 2011

Hi I'm Jesseca. I'm new round these here parts.

Goodness gracious, I feel like it's been forever since I posted!

Maybe that's because it has been...

This summer went by at breakneck speed, I'd say.  Work and summer camp and more work and a concussion and work and ummm what else went on this summer?

But besides all that, I've grown closer to my Maker this summer.  I've seen His love pursue me when all I could  do was squinch my eyes and try to breathe.  I've felt His hand directing me through difficult decisions and apprehensions.  And you know what?  I'm closer to Him because of it.

I've been reading an amazing book called "God's Smuggler" by Brother Andrew.  (Read it.  Did I mention it's amazing?)  One of the things that's grabbed my attention about this book is the level of trust Brother Andrew has in God.  His faith is so solid in Him that he will go ahead and do what God's called him to do, whether or not he has the money or means to do so.  And guess what?  The money or people or means always come at the most perfectly unsuspecting moments.

I want to be like Brother Andrew.  I want to trust God enough to jump off the ledge and know He'll jump with me.  I want to learn through every experience and enjoy His presence every step of the way.

And on a different note...

I know it's about a month too early for these...but...

Don't these just make you take a deep reminiscing breath?  I think of and sweaters...longer nights...yeah, the list could go on and on.  Oh, and I also (for some reason) think of the first Molly book from the American Girl series.

I'm so excited for fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for fall and that you're back!