Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Get ready to S M I L E.

What more have I to say!?  These are just perfectly adorable.

Actually, I do have something to say.  Know what I dream of?  I dream of having 100 followers!  So.  What can I do to make my blog more reader friendly?  What do YOU want to see when you read a blog?  Do tell!

Oh, and do pay a visit to the following blogs.  They have very much caught my eye recently and I'm sure they'll catch yours too.  Have a beautiful day!

(The last one is a blog of mainly wedding photos!  To see the most perfect wedding ever, look for Jacqui and Amir's wedding.  Seriously people, it's perfect.  Thanks to A Life Worth Living for introducing me to this lovely goodness of a wedding.)

1 comment:

a girl with a smile said...

love these. I smile wide :D

p.s. what an honor to have my words catch your attention