Thursday, April 12, 2012

redeeming love

I've been reading the book entitled 'Redeeming Love' by Francine Rivers.  I am captivated by the love Michael shows to Angel and the comparison it makes of God's love towards us.

Of His love towards me.

In the book, Angel is a prostitute who, despite her best efforts, begins to love the man who truly loves her unconditionally.  Out of fear of the unknown, Angel flees his safe embrace on multiple occasions...yet every time, he comes back to fight for her.

The way my savior always comes back for me.

Oh, God...may I love You without hesitation and never again flee Your embrace.  For though Your love contains the unknown, and requires trust to no end, I can't live without Your love.  I can't live without You.


Sonia Ama said...

I keep hearing of this book so I'll have to try it out sometime soon!

In the Making.... said...

I LOOOOVVVVEEEE THIS BOOK!! I love the intensity of the whole book and just how much every page is amazing! Suuuch a great book! Even to read Hosea afterwards, it gives Hosea a new perspective! I'm getting ready to start reading it a 4th time haha