Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DIY jewelry board

DIY, say whaaa?!  But, my friends, I present to you my newest brain-child that I literally just finished.  I'm pretty excited, if you can't tell.  And if one of you pins this on pinterest, I might just scream for joy. (Disclaimer...all photos taken with my phone...)

Gather: Black acrylic paint ($0.59 at Michaels!)
Double-sided tape
Wrapping paper
Mod-Podge (optional)
Also: Ruler to cut your paper
...and a bulletin board. 

Step 1: Paint the edges of your cork board.  Repeat coats until fully covered.
(Acrylic paint dries super fast!)
...and about 1/2-1 inch into the cork to make it more seamless.
Apply mod podge, if desired, to make it shiny.
Step 2: Take random pictures of the summer evening behind you.
Step 3: (sorry, no pictures) Measure and trim a sheet of wrapping paper to fit snugly
in your board; apply double-sided tape to corners and edges of cork,
then carefully press the paper to the tape.
Step 4: (boy, I stink at taking accurate step pics) Push thumb-tacks into the pattern,
however many you'd like, to make little hooks for your jewelry.

Done! Hang your creation and add jewelry to your delight.

1 comment:

Miss Melissa said...

Super cute jewelry board! It looked so much fun to make. And it even matches your bed sheets! You should become an interior designer. :) that'd be really fun to do your whole life! you seem good at it!